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Over Half Way DONE!


Onto week 3 with the September Challenge! How is it going. I don't know about you, but I failed the social media challenge day. I literally opened the IG app at 5am on Wednesday....whoops! The Leg Challenge circuit was very hard with weights and moderately hard with bodyweight. That was a good one.

Let's keep the going right into the 20s of this months. CANNOT believe we are inching our way into October. We have some BIG things happening in October that starts with a D and ends with an ISNEY :)

Keep going with the Challenge. Even if you have a couple of "off days". Jump back in with us!

Week 9/18-9/24

Sunday 9/18: do something today that makes you happy or feel good. Maybe it's a nap. Maybe it's a face mask and bubble bath. Pick something and go for it.

Monday 9/19: Sugar Monster day >:) Do you punctuate lunch AND dinner with a sweet nibble?? Or maybe that sweet nibble turns into a full serving (or 2) after dinner?? What would happen if you subbed out a sweet bite for fruit today? Let's try some berries, grapes, or even apple slices after a meal instead of chocolate or something with added sugar.

Tuesday 9/20: Circuit Challenge day

Complete this fun Pyramid

100 reps plank shoulder taps

80 reps alternating reverse lunges

60 reps sumo squat hold with alternating cross punches (use weights!)

40 reps Alternating tricep kickbacks

20 reps Plank wide lateral toe taps (alternating)

20 reps Plank jacks

40 reps Alternating lateral lunges

60 reps wide bicep curls

80 reps Mountain Climbers for 10, high knees for 10 until you get to 80

100 reps 10 pulsing push ups 10 cross body knee pulls in plank. Repeat x5

Wednesday 9/21 Let's decorate for Fall! Do something cozy today! Light a candle while you enjoy your morning coffee. Grab a pumpkin at the grocery store and out it in the porch. Do something festive to brighten your day.

Thursday 9/22 Can you throw in 50 air squats or 50 jump squats to the finish of your workout today?! Get it done!

Friday 9/23 Shoulder Boulders!

Complete the following for some sore deltoids:

30 seconds of arm circles holding 5lb weights. 30 second the other way

1 minute of lateral raises with a 3 second hold at the top

overhead alternating punches. quick tempo

front raise thumb up to lateral raise thumb up. complete 12 reps with a front and lateral raise counting as 1.

walking planks or 45 seconds.

rest for 20 seconds and repeat 2/3 times for a killer burn

Saturday 9/24. Can you add on 100 lateral lunges to your workout today?! my favorite lunge. no need to add weight. You can do 50 on one side or alternate for the 100.

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