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My Fall Half Marathon Plan


One of my friends asked if I planned to share my "racing plan". I thought that was a great idea, so here it is ;)

A few things to note:

- I teach fitness classes and train private clients for about 20ish hours per week. This is the actual physical part--the planning is another 10 hours or so. That's a lot of time on my feet that isn't even for my own training.

-I have two kids that require hands on attention. We go to the places, do the things. I keep them busy and active.

My plan will consist of 4 running days per week:

Monday- two segments of running. 3 miles then 2-3 miles after I finish my classes. Total of 5 or 6 miles for the day at an easy pace. Not really pushing too much beyond 130-140 HR

Wednesday- 5-7 miles with some push built in. This run needs to have some strides and some HR pops. Increase in leg turnover as well. Goal is to have 4 of these miles sub 8:30

Saturday- 5-6 miles easy HR 130-140

Sunday- Long run day. I will start at 7 miles as my base and build one mile per week beginning 8/15. Every 2/3 weeks I will drop back a couple of miles. For example:

8/15 7 miles

8/22 8 miles

8/29 9 miles

9/5 7 miles

9/12 9.5 miles

9/19 10 miles

9/26 8 miles

I keep that base of higher mileage, but also decrease mileage every few weeks or so. This helps me a lot with mental burnout. If I am having a terrible run on a long day, I have no problem cutting it short. If I am having a killer run on a shorter-mileage day, I may choose to get the long run over with on that day. For example--I feel like when Fall hits, I may choose to switch my long run to Wednesday b/c I have the time on this day and I think my energy will be better.

My plan is to do the Charlotte Half Marathon on November 13th. I plan to give myself 3 solid months of training/building before I run this race. I don't have a time goal. I estimate I will complete it around 8:30-8:45 pace. It would be cool if I went faster, but that's not really a huge focus of mine since so much of my energy goes into my classes and private training business.

I always, always, always have a long run once per week. It is SO important to get that long run in the plan so that your body doesn't freak out on race day.

It's also super important to s-l-o-w-l-y add mileage for long runs to avoid common running injuries like plantar fasciitis, knee pain, hamstring pain, etc.

My Tips:

I usually do more baths when I am training for a race--it really helps my muscles relax.

I prioritize sleep! No tv at night, just go straight to bed. I know that seems strict, but your body really needs it.

I would recommend majorly reducing alcohol while training. The occasional beverage is fine, but a daily drink isn't going to help your body at all.

Eat the carbs :). You need it. Not crap carbs like candy and cookies. Don't be scared of a sandwich or couple slices of pizza the night before a long run. It will help you! I like to have Kodiak Cakes pancakes after a long run and a protein shake.

You will also need to decide what is your hydration/electrolyte replacer/fuel product. I like Arbonne Hydration for after a long run. Clif Margarita Energy Chews during the run after running 1 hour and then ever 2 miles thereafter. Arbonne Prepare and Endure will be helpful before my longer runs.

Mental Discipline is key! There are days that you will talk yourself out of racing at all. I remember sitting in my car before the 2019 Charlotte Half texting with a friend. I was telling her that I really didn't feel like running in the current weather conditions during that race. I literally didn't want to leave my car! I finally got out of the car, slowly dragged myself to the start line (like 1 minutes after the start-gun went off) and just started running without even thinking about it. It ended up being the most fun race. The most supportive crowd! I finished and felt so happy that I just started it and took it one mile at a time. The thought of 13 total miles at the start was too much for me to think about.

Ok, that's my plan and some tips! I hope to see you out there on the course this year! There really is nothing like race day energy. It's so energizing and special to be surrounded by other runners that are competing for the same goal. I also really enjoy having my girls watch me complete something like a race. I want them to be inspired to be active, push themselves, and try hard things.

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