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January 1, 2023


This year seemed very far away about 5 years ago. Olivia was born in 2018 and I did the math to see what her Kindergarten start year would be. It's 2023. How did we get here?!

New Years Day falls on a Sunday this year. I imagine many of you have Monday 1/2/2023 off. Perfect time to kick off a little Challenge!!

Reminder of the Challenge parameters:

-complete 3 classes each week.

-It is optional, but highly encouraged to do 2x cardio days each week.

-Complete the 2 weekly tasks!

TASKS for week 1:

1- plan out 5 dinners that include chicken, fish, turkey, eggs, or lean ground beef.

2- Add this Conditioning Circuit onto a cardio or class day:

Complete 3/4 rounds

  1. 20 Dumbbell or Kettlebell swings

  2. 12 Heavy Squats

  3. 20 Walking lunges holding weight

  4. 12 Arnold Press shoulder presses

  5. 20 DB snatches from the floor to overhead (10 per side)

Let me know when you finish your tasks or what the weekly plan is for classes! I highly encourage you sign up for your classes today for the week to hold yourself accountable. How can I support this month for you? I will show up everyday and wait for you!

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