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It's Been Another Year


WOW! Two whole years of self employment. Two years of teaching daily classes from my garage, training clients, training small groups, and being a working/SAHM simultaneously.

It's interesting. My goal in 2020 and even the first part of 2021 was to get back into a fitness space. I wanted to find a teaching position in a boutique studio so I could resume my former life. It just never really worked out. I have been offered a hand full of positions. Even multiple times from some companies. I don't say this to brag, but rather share perspective about my shift. It never made sense for me to transition out of my current CK/Crush and personal training business.

I have slowly shifted my goals without realizing it. I created a niche for myself--unintentionally. The right people found me. People who needed help with their workouts, but also had time constraints or limitations. Moms, post-partum mamas, Post-surgery women, ladies who haven't lifted more than a finger in the past 10 years, women who lift but need motivation. ALL TYPES. My personal training business has become an equal partner to my class business.

I still teach 7/8 classes a week that are available live or on demand. That still fills my cup more than I can express. The fact that people log into zoom and do a workout with me fills me with so much gratitude and I am forever humbled. I am honored to lead these workouts.

There is a need for (mostly) women to take time for self-care. Workouts and chat time with their trainer can be (and should be) energizing. I was chatting with a client this morning about how she is being "beaten down" by her kids. We laughed and nodded our heads in solidarity. It's so true, though. The stress of being a mother can beat you down. The endless to-do list that is forming in your head, the constant multi-tasking, and always being two-steps behind.

One reason that I am able to get everything done in the evening is because I literally don't stop moving or sitting down between the hours of 5-8pm. Clean out lunchboxes, wash them, dry them, make coffee for next day, prep Kendalls dinner, prep Olivia's dinner, wash snack plates, begin prep for AJ and my dinner. (yes, often we eat different things and that's just the way it is.). Pick out clothes for girls for next day, make sure Kendall reads her nightly book, read to Olivia, oh...bath and shower for each. Of course, they don't want to do a bath together lol. clean kitchen again after dinner.

Now it's time for me to DO MY WORK. LOL I bet this is you too! We are all doing this hustle and it's expected. If you miss one step of the evening hustle, you pay for it in the morning. If you miss one day of doing laundry, you pay for it. Gosh, it can be hard. It beats you down.

I have no suggestions other than to say, FIND YOUR JOY! For me and my clients, it's workouts. We have that to look forward to. It's OUR piece of the day.

You guys. I don't think I will be teaching in a gym setting in the near future. I don't think I will be working for anyone else in the near future. I have unexpectedly found what I never knew I wanted. Freedom of creativity, schedule, and management. I am a business of ONE and I like that. It's never lonely because of the wonderful clients I surround myself with.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Here's to the next year.

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